miércoles, 29 de julio de 2020

Postgraduates studies

Dibujos animados hada de los dientes ilustración vectorial plana ...Hello there! I hope you are doing all right. Today I am going to write about what I think I will do when I finish my career. Two years ago, when I entered to the university, I wanted to get the diploma and establish my own dental consultation, two years later some of those dreams have become more complex. Now, if I have the chance to continue my studies, I would like to obtain the specialty of maxillofacial surgery while doing the internship in the clinic area. I like this specialty because I believe I could help other people by treating not only people with dental issues,but also I could treat some cases of harelip, facial reconstruction among others.Also I'd like to do some esthetic course or seminars in which I learn about botox, hyaluronic acid application and do some basic esthetic surgery like bichectomy.  I think this is really important, because the face is the most visible part of the body and by giving a smile to my patients I could make them feel full of happiness and confidence. Also, I would like to work with children, I imagine myself being a dentist who children are excited to visit. I would like to erase the myth that going to the dentist is scary and painful. I hope one day children come to visit me and they imagine themselves going to the amusement park and by the end of the consult I see myself gladly patting their heads and giving them a delicious sugar free candy.
Labio Leporino y Paladar Hendido - Centurion maxilofacialEstas vacaciones visite al Odontopediatra - Odontología ManquehueBefore And After Rhinoplasty Stock Illustration - Illustration of ... rhynoplasty with hyaluronic acid

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